First you need to be registered in an Equestrian Center. Then, on the right side of the screen at the top it shows where your horse is, what EC stable... There are two buttons, one that says meadow and one that says box. Click the one that says box and put your duration (how long you want it in there) and click "ok" on the side a little ways. Happy Howrseing!
no the pet stays in the box that it was put in
The pet will perform the actions stated on their various pages which you can view from the shop or secret market pages.
You have to put your howrse in it's box for 10 hours. -Kатнячп•Fυııэя
It is the highest box in the ec for the horse to stay in.
No. There is no possible way to remove a BM item on a howrse. You can get rid of the wings from Medusa's Blood by using a Golden Apple, but that is probably the only thing that changes...
The Falabella is a miniature horse considered as a pet in the game Howrse For the Howrse quiz it is Horse, I'm JapanLover
you go to the store and you go to companions and then you chose the one you want
To remove a reserve on a box, go under the "equestrian center" tab to "Boxes." after clicking on Boxes look for the box w/ the reserve (listed in first column). You may remove the reserve if the box is empty, but if there is already a horse in it then you cannot remove the reservation unless you move the horse to another box (to do this the box your moving it to must be either the same size, or larger, and must have the same pet in it). Hope this helps!~artemisor act like you are reserving the box so in that case follow these steps to unreserving a box ( much more simplier)-1.) go under eqeustrian center tab2.) click boxes3.) act like you are reserving the in that case click the head to the right of the box4.) erase the name5.) press MODIFY THE RESERVATION
on howrse you go to your profile than to your account and then you click edit account then you put you image in that box
You can sell it, or send it to the Safe Haven