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usually they don't hurt and it kinda feels like a button on a shirt thats something i could compare them to like you know it is ur ear but there is this thing through it

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Q: How does it feel to wear earrings in your pierced ears?
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Related questions

Does Paris Jackson wear earrings?

No, she doesn't have her ears pierced.

Can you wear earrings for pierced ears if you don't have pierced ears?

No,because you need the little holes from getting your ears pierced for the earring to go through.

Why do young girls feel the need to get their ears pierced?

Most girls that don't already have their ears pierced usually want them pierced because they see all other girls with piercings or they just simply want to wear earrings.

Does Bella Swan wear earrings?

No, she doesn't have her ears pierced in either the books or the films.

Can you get your dolls ears pierced on innerstarucom?

All you do is buy earrings and wear them. You might have to wear a certain hairstyle to be able to wear them though.

What kind of jewelry do Buddhism people wear?

They wear necklaces like we do, they have pierced ears and their earrings are huge type i believe...

Which celebrities have pierced ears?

Virtually all female celebrities have pierced ears, so that they can wear earrings; some male celebrities do as well. There are far too many to list.

Can anyone get their ears pierced?

Yes anyone can get their ears pierced it would be smart not to though because the human body is not meant to have holes in it that aren't supposed to be there so i recommend that you get magnetic or clip on earrings (plus if you wear clip on/ Magnetic earrings you can't get an infection).

Does Aston Merrygold wear earrings or have a scar?

Aston has both his ears pierced and always wears two earrings but he doesn't have a scar. Marvin does have a scar from when he had his appendix removed.

When your ears have being pierced and you dont wear earrings in do you get worms in your ears?

No. I don't see how that's at all possible unless you physically put them there, which i doubt you would.

Did Franklin Pierce have his ears pierced?

No. He also did not wear earrings or nose-rings or have any visible tattoos or dye his hair green.

Does Phoebe Tonkin have her ears pierced?

Yes, she does - Although she doesn't seem to wear earrings very often, there's a picture from one of her modelling jobs where she's wearing some big hoop earrings.