If the back has fallen into your ear canal you might be able to remove it by flushing the canal with warm water. Fill the ear and tilt the head to drain it onto a cloth or towel so you can see if the object flushed out. If that didn't work, some warm sweet oil (see your pharmacist) may be helpful in getting it to un-adhere from the ear wax.
If flushing with water or oil doesn't work, you need to see your health professional. If you start probing, swabbing and fishing you will likely damage your eardrum or impact it deeper into the canal.
If your ear lobe was ripped by an earring, give it some time to heal. A week or two should work well. Make sure to clean it every night with water and nothing else. After that week or two (depending on how bad it is. if it's really bad, give it a week), consult with your doctor and let them know your situation. If you feel major pain in your ear lobe, take an advil or a Tylenol and take a nap to reduce panic and stress. Hope this helped!!
first,you take a knife,then cut your of,then there you go your ear.
go to a doctor.
you cna try washing it every night and it will go back to normal after 2 weeks
You should have had it done by an professional body piercer, not some clown in the mall, go see your doctor.
Go see your doctor
If it is near the back of your earring, you might be having an allergic reaction to the material that your eraring is made of. I have this happen to me as well. I can only wear nickel free earrings. Just take your earring out for a few days and the bump should go away.
This is normal. It's making a tunnel for the earring to go in. The bumps will get smaller as the hole heals. After a few years, you'll have to search for the bump. It will be very tiny.
If the earring is new, or the skin just hasn't closed in around the earring hole, What ever you do, don't take the earring out, or your earring hole will close up, leaving the infection inside your skin, and become worse. If this is the case, then apply some alcohol swabs (Made for your ears!!) or a spray you can buy from the chemist. Not sure what its called, but just ask for ear disinfectant spray. ^^ If your ear is older, meaning the skin HAS closed around the earring hole, i recommend taking it out for the meantime, but putting it in every week or so...then taking it back out...you should also visit the area when you got your ears done, and asking for advice ^^
plugs you stick in your ear that cause nothing like water to get into your ear canal.
First look at the shape of the earring and imagine how it would go through someone's ear. If it still won't go through then clean your ears. It may get any gunk that is blocking the hole! newtest3 hi - this happens to me, and if you haven't put your earring in at the back for a while, the back might be hard to get to - try piercing from the back - with someones help preferably - and it will go through at the front. If you have been trying too much to get it in, then it may be inflamed and it would be best if you left it for a few hours or over night.
Not necessarily. It could just be scarring from your ear piercing. Massage your ear lobe with tea tree oil or vitamin E oil to try to fix it. But if you show other symptoms or anything go check it out with your doctor.