That is entirely dependant on demand and how much players are prepared to pay.
Some what yes and no. Beacuse in a ratio on howrse the dapple gray coat is 7% witch means it is rare but not so much. Most common would be 12% and least common would be 2%.
You cannot buy them on howrse
It depends on how long they have been retired, and most that have been retired for a year or more could be to $250, depending on the model.
depends on the hows Private mail me on howrse for more info on selling your howrse,my username is foxtrot55!
An ultrasound costs 50 equus. --starsun22 (eventinglover on howrse)
the coat will cost you 51 ( dollars/ pounds)
no coat for food
Illnesses were removed from howrse several months ago, so it no longer matters.
It depends where you buy it from.
If you are under a certain level, You will not be able to see it, but it is under the Genetics tab on your howrse. Sometimes they exceed their genetic potenetial!! On Howrse I'm KarenjustLOVEShorses please congratulate me.
It was retired so its much rarer then other webkinz