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The compound word for carousel is.................................................................I have no clue sorry forgot!

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Q: What carousel compound word?
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What is past tense of the word carousel?

The compound word for carousel is merry-go-round.

What language does the word carousel come from?

The word "carousel" comes from the French word "carrousel," which in turn is derived from the Italian word "carosello." Both French and Italian words refer to a type of horsemanship exercise or tournament in the 17th century where riders would perform intricate maneuvers on horseback. This eventually evolved into the modern amusement ride we know as a carousel today.

What is another word for carousel?

There isn't any.

Where did carousel originate?

Carousel, as a merry-go-round originated in the 1670's. It came from the French word, carrousel, which meant "tilting match", as in jousting. That word originated from the Latin carrus, meaning chariot.

Why was carousel named carousel?

because it was.

Is the word building a compound word?

No, building is not a compound word.

When was On a Carousel created?

On a Carousel was created in 1967.

How do you spell the compound word of does not?

The contraction (not a compound word) is doesn't.

Is upward a compound word?

Upwards is a compound word.

What is the compound word in this sentence What is the compound word in this sentence?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband

Is the word upstairs a compound word?

Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.

What is the compound word for pitch?

The compound word for pitch is "pitchfork".