Both frighten and startle mean to scare Examples: When I am home alone, unfamiliar sounds startle me. When I am home alone, unfamiliar sounds frighten me.
Yes, "scare" and "frighten" are synonyms that both mean to cause fear or alarm in someone.
jumping...i don't know what you tht going up and down up umm.. when you frighten the horse he jumps(SPOOK) or YOUR CALLED AN EQUESTRIAN WHEN YOU JUMP HORSES.
Tranquil Music can make them calmer and sometimes even heal the ill.
Actually, they don't. That's only "fainting goats," which I think are actually a breed...and if not, it's only that "type".
this is proverb
frighten is a verb. It can be used with both singular and plural subjects and objects, e.g.:They frighten meI frighten them
The past tense of frighten is frightened.
If you mean the word 'cowed.' It means, from to frighten with threats, violence, etc.; intimidate; overawe.
you can frighten it or be mean to it, I also like to throw pie at my cat
you can frighten it or be mean to it, I also like to throw pie at my cat