OK go to your horses page and scroll down to the reproduction section on the right. there will be buttons that you can click on. if the "cover a mare" button is still working (will not be grey) than your horse is a stallion. (not castrated)
On Howrse, if you choose to castrate your horse, it will no longer be able to reproduce. This can affect its ability to produce offspring in the game but can also have positive effects on its behavior and performance statistics. It's important to carefully consider the decision before castrating a horse on Howrse.
You can castrate any male on Howrse up till the age of 8 years old.
castrate is when you make a stallion from 2 to 6 yrs a gelding, in other words making it so they can't breed by doing a small surgery. castration gives the horse more skills
On Howrse, castrate means to remove a male horse's testicles in order to prevent reproduction and manage behavioral issues related to breeding urges. This procedure is often done to make the horse more manageable and easier to handle.
If a horse reach 100 years - nothing happens.
it disappears with the horse from your account
Answer You can't bid on your horse. You can only cancel the auction.
To castrate is to basically get your stallion "fixed", or make him a gielding.
Nothing. You dont get the horse and the owner of the horse takes it back.
i think it will become sick and you will have to treat your horse with medicine
One year old
You click on the icon with a bottle on it to nurse your horse on howrse