I think pegged legged jeans are another word for skinny jeans.
The Hangover is a 2009 film. It is the movie which was pegged for Bollywood treatment. It was a great movie to watch.
The value of the pegged currency goes up and down depending on the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar. ALSO Pegging a currency to the U.S. dollar gives that currency the same stability as the U.S. dollar, keeping its exchange rate from fluctuating too wildly.
With a high-waisted skirt, you tuck your shirt into your skirt. (Make sre the skirt is above your waist!) With a normal skirt I guess you would just pull it on to your hips?
A skirt marker is a professional marking device that is used in tailoring. A skirt marker will assist in finding out the length of a skirt.
Usually it is not changed as it is 'pegged'. However, it mey be altered in the value because of government action, often politically driven.
A maxi skirt is a long skirt reaching to the ankles, the opposite of a mini skirt which hardly reaches anything at all.
No the Dinar is backed by gold repository
Pegged pants from the 60's.