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Common grazing refers to the practice of farmers grazing their cattle on a piece of land that is held by the group as a whole or sometimes by someone else.

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Q: What is common grazing?
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Cattle Grazing

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they both are used mostly for grazing animals

What is a good sentence with the word grazing in it?

The cows are contentedly grazing on the hillside. My shots are just grazing my targets.

Does McDonald's use rainforest for grazing land?

No. McDonald's does not own any grazing land to graze their cattle in--as a matter of fact, this multi-million dollar franchise doesn't own any cattle at all. The reality about rainforests being used for grazing is that they are not used for grazing at all. Rainforests are primarily destroyed for the production of crops and for exotic wood products, not grazing land for livestock. Livestock come in and graze after the crops have essentialled "mined" the nutrients from the soil, eating the sparse grasses that have been sown or grew after the farmers have left. There are exceptions, but this is the most common practice that occurs.

When was Grazing Dreams created?

Grazing Dreams was created in 1977-02.

Is grazing an adjective in the phrase grazing goat?

Yeah I think so.

What has the author Roy A Harris written?

Roy A. Harris has written: 'Co nservation grazing management for wet meadows and marsh' -- subject(s): Forage plants, Grazing 'In tegrating conservation grazing with commercial sheep production' -- subject(s): Forage plants, Grazing 'Th e use of sheep grazing to control weeds of grassland' -- subject(s): Forage plants, Grazing 'Co nservation grazing management for maritime heath' -- subject(s): Forage plants, Grazing

What are the uses of hop clover?

Hop clover is one of the common names for Trifolium aureum. It is mostly used as forage for grazing herds of livestock.

What is a grazing area also called that starts with a l?

A large grazing area

How do use the word grazing in a sentence?

The sheep were grazing while the birds were singing.

Where on a farm do sheep live?

In the paddocks grazing the pasture.

When was Grazing in the Grass created?

Grazing in the Grass was created on 1968-03-12.