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Q: What is the name of a snow vehicle drawn by horses?
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What is the correct for what Santa rides in?

SLEIGH : a vehicle, usually horse-drawn, with skids (runners) to traverse snow

What is the corrects spelling for what santa rides in?

SLEIGH : a vehicle, usually horse-drawn, with skids (runners) to traverse snow

What is the name of the vehicle that slides on snow?

Sled or snowmobile.

What was the name of the princes horse in Snow White?

The horses name is Astor-there are toys of it and a Disney book with the horse's name in it

Do zebras like the snow?

Zebras are like horses. Horses do not prefer snow, neither do Zebras.

What is a motor driven snow vehicle with a k and d in its name?


What are some snow vehicles that begin with the letter S?

A ski lift is a snow vehicle. A sleigh is a snow vehicle. A snowmobile and a snowplow are snow vehicles.

How do you get ice and snow out of horses coat?

to get ice and snow out of a horses coat you get a hairdry and on meduim heat wave the hair dryer over the horse till snow and ice melt

What is a motorized snow vehicle?

snow cat

What is a snow vehicle with the letters kid in it called?

A snow vehicle with the letters kid in it is called a Skidoo

What is the biggest snow vehicle in the world?

Army Snow train

In the Game HorseIsle what horses and items are found on Snow Isle?

On Snow isle, Bashkir Curly's and other snow horses are found. As for items, mainly snowballs, and, if you are on Christmas isle, you will also find candy canes. A way to find out if a horse can be found in snow, is to look it up in the library. Most horses say where they are found on horseisle.