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Q: What type of clothes did stable boys wear in Victorian times?
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What clothes did the rich wear in the Victorian times?

girls and boys wear identical clothes

What do stable boys eat in Victorian times?

He would care for horse/horses

What were Victorian school boys clothes?


How mutch did a stable boy get paid in Victorian times?

Stable boys in Victorian times were generally paid low wages, usually around 10-20 shillings per week. Their pay was often supplemented with room and board provided by the stable owner. Conditions and pay could vary depending on the specific employer and location.

What did the poor Victorian boys wear?

some times nothing

What did Victorian poor boys wear?

poor Victorian children would wear rags and if they were lucky a dress made of cotton to keep them warm

What did rich boys wear in medieval times?

posh clothes

What were 4 boarding schools for rich boys in Victorian times?

Eton. Harrow. Stowe. Cheltenham.

Why did boys go into the workhouse in Victorian times?

Whole families were sent there if they could not keep themselves.

What did Victorian teachers wear?

Victorian teachers typically wore modest and somber attire, such as long dresses with high collars and sleeves. They often wore aprons for practical purposes while working in the classroom. Colors were generally dark and subdued to maintain a professional and serious appearance.

What was Christmas like in Victorian times?

In Victorian times,christmas wasn't very good as it is today. Present were usually handmade and the most popular toys for girls were dolls and dolls houses, and for boys, it was toy soldiers.

What jobs did children do in Victorian times?

Boys would have worked on farms and in chimneys but girls worked in sewing factories.