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Q: Where did the word rodeo come from?
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What word did not come from Mexico canyon patio pencial or rodeo?


What country did the the word rodeo come from?

it comes from every where say yes if you agree with me

What is a sentence with the word rodeo?

The cowboy had joined the rodeo

How do you use the word rodeo in a sentence?

i read an RODEO of my history

How many syllables does the word rodeo have?

Rodeo has three syllables.

How do you divide the word rodeo into syllables?

Ro•de•o. Rodeo.

Which language does rodeo come from?

Spanish. The term "rodeo" in Spanish means "round-up."

Does rodeo mean ranch in spanish?

'rodeo' as a noun covers many words with the sense of 'turn/turning'* 'rodear' = to surround/encircle/encompass; and in American Spanish 'to round up cattle in a rodeo' ('rodeo' is the first person (I) of the verb) * including 'round-up, rodeo, stockyard, corral, enclosure for cattle'. Spanish 'rancho', by contrast, means 'hut, mess-room, cattle-ranch'

Is the word rodeo suppose to be capitalized?


What part of speech is the word rodeo?

The word rodeo is a noun when it is used to mean: an exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers or a roundup of cattle on a ranch for branding, counting, etc.The word rodeo is a verb when used to mean: compete in a rodeo.

How do you spell roadeo?

The word is spelled rodeo.

Does the English word 'rodeo' translate to mean 'ranch' in Spanish?

No, the English word "rodeo" does not translate to mean "ranch" in Spanish. In Spanish, "rodeo" refers to a rodeo event or show involving cowboy skills and activities. "Ranch" in Spanish translates to "rancho" or "finca".