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You may be able to buy them from a feed store or gear shop, but they are found on the ground on Cloud Isle.

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Q: Where do you get sugar chunks on HorseIsle?
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Where can you get 25 sugar chunks HorseIsle?

Cloud isle. ButerflyKachina~pinto server

Who do you give 25 small sugar chunks and 25 rose hips too on Horseisle?

Paticia Plum for rose hips. Buy or gather the small sugar chunks on Cloud Isle.

What feed store on HorseIsle sell sugar chunks?

You can find Sugar Chunks on Cloud Isle. You need 75% quest points to get there.Sometimes you could find them in feed stores, but that's rarely.

Where can you get 25 sugar chunks on HorseIsle with out having to go to Cloud Isle?

Sometimes you can find sugar chunks another player has sold in the feed stores. Otherwise, you would need to buy them from another player.

Horseisle where can you find suger chunks?

You can find sugar chunks on Cloud Isle, which you need 75% quest points done to get there. Or you could find them in feed stores.(rarely)

Where do you get silver chunks on HorseIsle?

LaylaFairy on Chestnut server!!! P.S: Please PM me for me to answer questions

Where do I find strawberry pie on Horseisle?

Sara on Bone Isle will make you a strawberry pie. You will need 25 strawberries and 7 small sugar chunks. To get to Bone Isle talk to Hudson on Turtle Isle. Lawnbeaver on Cremello!

Where is the best place to find obsidian chunks on HorseIsle?

Any of the Lava Isles are where you can find obsidian chunks. There is no "best" place. Also, sometimes you can find them in the rock shops if another player has sold them recently.

Is jam and jelly the same?

No. Jelly has a TON of sugar in it, jam has more fruit than jelly. You can often find more fruit chunks in jam. Jelly does not have fruit chunks in it.

How do you get to the Drill Isle on HorseIsle?

You need 100% of quest points or a Unicorn. If you have the 100% award you go to the Unicorn uniter on Cloud Isle with 3 sugar chunks and talk to him then he sends you to Tranquility Isle and you take the boat from there. If you are using a Unicorn then you just type in !warp Drill and it will take you to Drill Isle. Hope this Helped GloriousAngel-Dun

Where can you mine 5 chunks of Amber in HorseIsle 2?

Inside the Fairy Rings (mushroom rings) on the flower isles. I usually have the most luck on petal or stem isle for big discoveries like that!

New scoops for ginger horseisle quest?

Go to Tropicton on Jungle Isle and talk to Smiddy Jones the blacksmith. You will need 10 chunks of Iron ore and $1000 to make the scoops. You will get 5 scoops and need to take them back to Ginger.