The new one is How From Bay Server ~LovelyGirls~
Currently: MouseDo not say passwords in Global Chat, they will be changed if you do.
The baby troll is not on saddle isle, he is on horse isle but first you need to find the fawn in the forest of Rider Isle, the fawn will disappear but then you can dig where you saw the fawn to find it again! Talk to it, it'll tell you where the baby troll is! from Tinggu horse isle brown
To begin this quest talk to the Big Troll on Rider isle, the Big Troll is located on the far northeastern corner of Rider Isle in the middle of the bridge. -LoveToDance Dun Server
Start the quest by talking to Rick in the Witherton farrier. Next, talk to Penelope (north of Rick) and she'll tell you the troll took it. Bring 30 copper ore to the troll and he'll give you the chimes.Warning: Do not "mouth off" to the troll as he'll throw you in a random spot.-- AmGunner on Cremello
The current pass is 'crazy'. You can talk to Penelope in Witherton if you forget the password. (If you need more Horse Isle help, check out the related links.)
rake on the edge of the tiny enclosed forest on rider isle, you'll be taken to a faun who'll tell you where to go next- Hallucinations, Cremello
TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL who knows what this stuff is :D
A troll.The troll
In Spanish: "trol" In French: "troll" In German: "troll" In Italian: "troll"
It's Steph nuff said. Also did i mention it's Steph?......ugly bad troll troll is bad obvious troll troll.
It is impossible to troll our felow Internet Trolls. Cus' whatever you do. They will copy you. So secretly troll the ways they troll you