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Q: Which horse in Howrse can you congratulate?
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How do you congragulate a horse on howrse?

You cannot congratulate most horses, but you can congratulate the Divine horse Topaz 5 times per day in order to win gifts. ;)

How do you get objective 23 in howrse..How do you congratulate someone on there birthday?

Howrse has a page for people's birthdays. Click on one of them and then you click congratulate.

How do you congrat a person for their horses bday on howrse?

You find a horse that the b-day is listed. Then you click on the person username and congratulate them on their page.

How do you congratulate a player on howrse if there not your friend?

You can congratulate anyone even if there are not your friend. You just go to their page and click congratulate.

On Howrse how do find how much your horse is worth?

If you are under a certain level, You will not be able to see it, but it is under the Genetics tab on your howrse. Sometimes they exceed their genetic potenetial!! On Howrse I'm KarenjustLOVEShorses please congratulate me.

How do you complete objective 23 on Howrse?

you have to congratulate someone on there birthday :)

How do you change your ID sheet on Howrse?

Go to: My Account < Personal Info and change it from there. I am poptropicatart on Howrse. Congratulate me and join my EC, Darke Stables.

How do you congratulate players on their birthday on howrse?

go to their profile then congratulate them. I think you can send a message too by clicking on your congratulation.

How do you get 15 Min's to pass on the game Howrse?

There's a lot you can do in fifteen minutes on Howrse! You could take your horse for a ride, do some training or competing with him. Read and participate in the public forums, create a forum of your own if you have an EC, sign player's guestbooks and congratulate them, and lots more.

How do you nurse your horse on Howrse?

You click on the icon with a bottle on it to nurse your horse on howrse

How do you congratulate a player on Howrse for their birthday?

You can't congratulate them specifically for their birthday, but on their page there is a box with a link you can click to congratulate them. If you want to make it clear that you congratulated them because it was their birthday, PM them and say something like, "Congrats of your birthday!"

When does your horse give birth on Howrse?

Howrse gestation takes 12 horse months.