Aside from the seniority, you need 3 karma points and have to own 2 horses.
~Camigurl on howrse if you want to friend. :)
you need to be at 10 days of seniority to sell a horse at action but you need to be at 30 day of seniority to sell a horse in direct sales and reserved sales
10 days to buy through the auctions and 30 days to buy through the direct sales, or the reserved sales.
A player has to reserve one for you. If you have another account, you can reserve a horse for your other account or someone else. You must have at least 20 days of seniority to access this though.
10 days
No. (!) If it is on auction you have to wait until the auction finishes to own the horse. If it is in the direct or reserved sales then the momemt you click buy, the horse becomes yours.
You sell it to them in the reserved sales.
Nothing. You dont get the horse and the owner of the horse takes it back.
Direct salesTo sell a horse to any player for Equus and passes.Eligibility conditions: at least 2 horses and 3 karma points.Right from the page
When you're selling your horse instead of clicking 'direct sale' or 'auction' you just click 'reserved sale'. You then put in the name of the player you're reserving it for. You have to have a certain amount of days to do this though.
After ten days of seniority (logging in on ten separate days)
you buy them from the store and then they are there automatically you can get 1 box for every 2 days of seniority!
Go to the sales page and select 'direct sales,' its between auctions and reserved sales. You have to have 3 karma points, must have connected to howrse and cared for at least one horse for 20 days, and own two horses. ~Camigurl on howrse if you want to friend. :)