go to this website http://www.carstereohelp.com/stereoremovalLexusLS400str.htm
where to locate the factory alarm fuse in my lexus ls 400 1990
i need to know where the alternator is located on a 1990 Lexus LS400
A 1990 LS400 has 250 horsepower as rated by the factory.
need a wiring diagram for a 1990 ls 400 need a wiring diagram for a 1990 ls 400
I needed to replace my C.C on my 1990 Lexus 400. Average price was $400-$500 including labor. The C.C aalone runs for about $230.
it should be under the driver's seat
A Lexus GS 400 has 300 horsepower.
You'll need to remove the intake manifold. The starter is located underneath it.
The fuel pump is located in the gas tank behind the rear seats www.lextechautomotivellc.com
How to disable the security alarm on a 1994 lexius ls 400