An L reg car Or Motorbike will be 1993
1993 to 1994
Late 1993/Early 1994
It depends if it was registered in 1993 or 1994? So, today being Friday 5th June 2009, a L-Reg car would be at least 15years old! HOWEVER, the first L-Reg came out in Aug-1972 which would make the car even older making it 36 years old!
UK: L or M plate
The flasher unit on a Renault 5 Campus L Reg is located under the glove compartment of the car. If this vehicle is fashioned for operation in the United Kingdom, that would be on the left side of the car.
they are the supes that have different labels on the reg like P reg,L reg,M reg and so on
The letter L prefix indicates that your Marlin model 39A was made in the year 1954.
77-78 or so
LZ is for both the month of manufacture and year L=Feb Z=1975