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The fuse box is located by your knees in the drivers seat, open the panel and it will have the specif fuse listed by number on the panel flap.

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Q: Where is the fuse for the right tail light on a 96 volkswagen jetta?
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In a 1992 Volkswagen Jetta, the fuel pump relay is located on the bottom row of the fuse panel. It is the fuse on the far right.

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on the inside of the fuse panel door.

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You can find the fuse box diagram for a Volkswagen Jetta Trek if you don't have the manual at auto parts stores. You can also contact a local Volkswagen dealer to obtain the manual.

How can you find the exact fuse or relay location for your 1996 volkswagen jetta?

You can find the exact fuse or relay location for your 1996 Volkswagen Jetta in the car's owner's manual. You can also obtain it from auto part stores.

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You can obtain a fuse box diagram for a 2006 Volkswagen Jetta inside the owner's manual. You can also find it in the vehicle's Chilton auto repair manual.

How would you change the radio fuse or 1999 Volkswagen Jetta?

Ok, If i remember right. when you pull the radio out of the dash with the VW Key, The fuse should be on the back of the Radio. Hope This Helps

Where is the Location of the power window fuse in a 97 vw jetta?

The power window fuse in a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta is located above the relays. The relay/fuse box is usually located near the steering wheel.

How do the relays go into the fuse box in a 1990 Volkswagen Jetta?

2nd on top row from left side

Where is the driver side headlight fuse located in a 2002 Volkswagen Jetta?

They should be both tied in together

1997 Jetta how do you reset the airbag light?

The airbag light, on your 1997 Jetta, can be reset by removing the fuse. Keep the fuse out for 10 seconds. Replace the fuse back to its original position.