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Because EA games didn't get permission from ferrari to add it to the game.

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Q: Why are there no Ferrari's in need for speed shift?
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Does need for speed shift have ferraris?

Need for speed does not have shift have Ferraris

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The best Android game between Need for Speed Shift(ShiftNFS) and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is Need for Speed Shift.

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There is no free drive in Need for Speed Shift.

Where Can You Find Need For Speed Shift?

You can get need for speed shift at walmart & game stop.

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Need for Speed Shift - 2009 VG is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Are lamborginis faster than Ferraris?

Most are about the same speed.

How fast do most Ferraris go?

There are many ferraris made, everyone in a unique way with different speeds. But the average speed of all Ferraris made is about 290kph, or 180mph. Which means they are very fast.

Is need for speed shift two player?

No :(

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How do you get NFS shift on PS2?

You don't Need for Speed: Shift is not available for the PS2

When is the newest Need for speed under cover community race day?

need for speed shift

How can I change my Need for Speed Shift CD-key?

Go to Regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts\Need for Speed Shift\ergc