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Only in two certain areas of the body.

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Q: Can you slap someone so hard that they die?
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How do Jack slap someone?

If you want to slap someone hard then: backhand slap the person fast then quickly slap them with your front hand. This really hurts I have done it to so many people and they scream!

What is the meaning of the idiom 'to slap the black off ya'?

The meaning of the idiom "to slap the back off you" is fairly straightforward. It implies an exaggeration, that one would slap someone else so hard that their back would come off.

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A spike in Four Square is when you slap the ball into someone else's square really hard, so the ball goes really high.

Can you die if someone squeezes your testes?

The possibility of death is present if your testes are squeezed so hard that you go into shock. It's not a sure fire way to kill someone.

How do you make someone sleep so deep that they don't wake when you slap them?

You would probably have to drug them, which would be dangerous and could possibly kill them, so don't do it. It's also illegal to drug someone. Why do you ask?

What do you do when a guy takes the hand of the guy you like and tries to shove it down your bra?

You slap the guy who tried to do that. I would slap his head VERY VERY hard. So hard his head would almost bleed!!! Could also do a swift knee jerk or kick to the groin of the guy ... needless to say, he will not ever do that again.

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flap means slap if you say slap some people think its afensive so they say flap instead of slap

How did captain george vancover die?

he died because he was looking for another place and he was from holland so that is hard and he did many other things and he had a dule with someone that was on his ship.

When people die are all of their questions answered?

Yes, because that is what the bible says so deal with it. Or i will slap you up side your head. Kiss my booty.

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This is so hard!

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make someone laugh so hard they crack casey A this Q make someone laugh so hard they crack casey A this Q

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its pretty hard so you can someone up with it