585 mph
The maximum speed is 0.92 mach.
The most popular model, the Boeing 747-400 and the Boeing 747-8 can go at 988km/h
Air Force One is a Boeing 747 Airplane. The maximum speed of a commercial Boeing 747 is about Mach 0.92. While the accurate information is highly classified, Air Force One probably can't go much faster than that.
The maximum certificated altitude for the 747 is 45,100 feet.
1776mph over 2000fps
Depends on WHICH Boeing you're talking about.
Cruising speed is 585 mph. The max speed for a 747-8 is 614mph, or 988km/h.Maximum speed = 0.92 machI recently watched a YouTubevideo of a Boeing 747 that reached a ground speed of 744 MPH (1196 km/hr). This is the highest speed that I know of that a 747 has ever flew. Here's the link to the video if you want to watch it. http://www.youtube.comwatch?v=AHrsYKTnGAUIt's titled "Boeing 747 Fastest Speed Commercial Flight".0.85 Mach567 mph (913 km/h)AnswerThe Boeing 747 cruises at around 0.85 Mach, but in answer to how fast "can" one go, the answer is that Vmo/Mmo (maximum operating speed/mach) for the earlier versions is 0.89 Mach and for the 747-400 it's 0.92 Mach.
A Boeing 747 can typically travel at a speed of around 570 mph. The circumference of the Earth is approximately 24,901 miles around the equator. Therefore, it would take a Boeing 747 approximately 44 hours to go all the way around the world without factoring in stops or layovers.
No, it needs a Boeing 777-200LR to do that and it was done recently -twice in succesion. In other words the Boeing 777 went completely round the world with only 1 stop. The route was from Boeing Seattle with a refuel in Bangladesh. The 747 can get just over 1/3rd of the way around the world.
It depends on how big the airplane is. If it's a Boeing 747, it'll need about 180 knots to prevent stalling, but if its a Cessna, it'll need only about 55 knots.
553 mph