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Dispute: In the audiobook (approved by James Patterson) it's prononced Are-Ee (rhymes with starry), not Air-ee (rhymes with berry).

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Q: How do you say Ari from Maximum ride?
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Ari Arad producer of Maximum Ride?

Ari Arad is the producer of Maximum Ride

How old is ari in Maximum Ride?

Ari in the beginning of the angel experiment is 7

Are Maximum Ride and Ari related?

Yes, Max and Ari are related. Jeb is there dad.

Will Ari come back to life?

In Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Ari dies but comes back in the ninth chapter of the next book, Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever.

How old is ari in Maximum Ride angel experiment?

he is seven

In the Maximum Ride series in which book is ari brought back to life?

maximum ride: saving the world and other extreme sports

Can ari come back to Maximum Ride?

No, Max accidently killed Ari. They show his funeral in The Final Warning.

What is the climax of Maximum Ride saving the world and other extreme sports?

Ari dies

Who are the characters in the Maximum Ride series?

Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, Angel, Ari, Jeb

In the book Maximum Ride how is Ari's hope similar to what the flock wants?

In the book Maximum Ride, Ari's hope for acceptance and belonging is similar to what the flock wants because they both desire to find their place in the world and to be understood for who they are. Despite their differences and hardships, Ari and the flock share a common longing for connection and a sense of belonging.

Who are the characters in the Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment book?

Well ,for startes there are alot of characters in the series Maximum Ride but the main ones are Max, Fang, Gazzy, Iggy, Nudge, Ari, Jeb and hopefully that's about it.

Who died in the first book of the Maximum Ride series?

Ari, but he came back because his neck was broken and JP is an idiot.