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There is no limit to how many games you can win. Contestants play until they lose. Before the 2003-2004 season, players were limited to 5 days, and were retired upon their 5th win.

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Q: Is there a limit on jeopardy?
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How many seconds in a final jeopardy question?

Contestants are given thirty seconds to answer a Final Jeopardy! question.

What are some jeopardy categories?

Jeopardy! questions cover an encyclopedia worth of categories taken from Science, History, Pop Culture, Literature, Geography, etc... Examples of traditional Jeopardy! categories are: The Oscars, Literary Characters, Word Origins, and U.S. Presidents. Some of Jeopardy's categories with a twist are: Before & After, Rhyme Time, Stupid Answers, and Name's the Same.

How much time to answer a Jeopardy question?

It is considered incorrect both by the contestant's failure to respond within the 5-second time limit after the ring in or by an incorrect response.

In jeopardy or on jeopardy?

If you are talking about someone in danger, it is "in jeopardy." If you are talking about the television show, it's "on Jeopardy."

What is the number of answers on game show Jeopardy?

There are 61 answers/questions in a complete game of Jeopardy - 30 in the Jeopardy Round, 30 in the Double Jeopardy Round and 1 in the Final Jeopardy Round.

Was tom Magill a Jeopardy contestant?

His name is not present in the Jeopardy Archive under that spelling. There are years of Jeopardy shows and not every show is present in the Jeopardy Archive and none of the shows from the earlier (pre 1980)Jeopardy network shows are in the Jeopardy Archive.

What is the first episode of Jeopardy called?

"This Is Jeopardy", first aired on September 10, 1984. The first episode of Jeopardy was on March 30 1964 and was called Jeopardy.

What are the release dates for Jeopardy - 1984 3000th Jeopardy 14-15?

Jeopardy - 1984 3000th Jeopardy 14-15 was released on: USA: 19 September 1997

To what song is I Lost on Jeopardy a parody?

"I Lost on Jeopardy" by "Weird Al" Yankovic is a parody of "Our Love's in Jeopardy" by Greg Kihn Band.

Where can you find a jeopardy template building site that will include the jeopardy round the double jeopardy round the final jeopardy round and daily doubles that is NOT a PowerPoint?

Jeopardy is a copyrighted game and even the PowerPoint program would need approval

What is the best jeopardy website for kids?

The Jeopardy TV Show does not have a website for Kids. Others are Jeopardy like or even some are Official Jeopardy Games. The is a Jeopardy TV show related link added under the related links below the answer

What were the October 2011 Jeopardy Bonus Puzzles?

Jeopardy does not have puzzles