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Jim, Jamie, Jimmy, Ames, or Jambo.

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J-J is one ((:

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Q: What are some nick names for the name James?
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Some of the cool guy names are Mason, Jason, James, Landon, Nick, and Blake. A popular one is Traycer. It is spelt alot of ways. But, those are some of the most coolest guy names out there! (:

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What is the cool names?

Some of the cool guy names are Mason, Jason, James, Landon, Nick, and Blake. A popular one is Traycer. It is spelt alot of ways. But, those are some of the most coolest guy names out there! (:

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it depends on what the girls real name is let me know and i can help you

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Some good middle name options for Noah could be James, Alexander, Michael, or William.

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Whatever last name you want is fine -- you're the writer! Here's a link to show you how authors invent names for their characters.

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Well, My name is tegan, And my nick names are, Tiggy, Teggy, Tegz, Tigsta, tee, and tiger.

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izzy or bell