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Hardly anything. A sting for a split second then done

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Q: What does getting shot by xploders feel like?
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Do xploders hurt?

Its like someone shot you with a be-be gun.

What does it feel like to get shot with a bullet?

it feels like getting stabbed with a 3inch nife

What does it feel like to get shot by a tranquilizer gun?

it feels like getting done up the rectum by a bum

What does it feel like getting shot with a shot gun?

Depending on where your shot and if you survive the shock it can feel like a charlie horse along with severe burning sansation as if someone put a lighter on the area. You my also feel muscle tightness like you pulled a muscle those are the things you,will feel medical examiner doctor

Does the H1N1 shot hurt?

no.... the shot doesn't. but after, it is really sore. it really depends on how tough you are at being sore. like almost every other shot or vaccination you do not feel it go in unless you have a nurse who jabs it into you. your arm will be sore for a few days and you may feel sick but that us normal. better than getting the actual h1n1!

What does it feel like to get the booster shot?

When I was little it hurt me a lot : (

What is having a tooth pulled simile?

Getting a tooth pulled is like getting a shot.

What does it feel like to be tasered?

It feels like you're getting shot by a gun in the back but it's an electrical shock that you don't die. It just hurts very bad. I've never been tased but I know what it feels like

What does it feel like to get your ears pierced with a gun?

When you are having your ears pierced with a piercing gun there is a pinch like feeling. Some people think it feels the same as getting a shot. The pain is over in a second of time.

What does it feel like when you get the H1N1 shot?

I don't know how you would feel but when I got the vaccine, it was basically painless. And I'm not lying! But when you press on the place where you got the shot, it sort of stings.

What does it feel like to have a gun shot out of your hand?

It would hurt. A lot. Really.

How did the people feel about the trenches?

they feel terrible from the smell of dead bodies lien everywhere in no mans land and they use periscope to see through without getting shot