The idiom "off your rocker" means that someone is behaving in a crazy or irrational manner. It suggests that the person is not thinking clearly or acting sensibly.
"Out of your mind" is an idiom. It makes no sense unless you already know that it means you are behaving in a crazy manner.
An idiom is something that does not mean what the phrase says literally, so yes. You can't actually laugh your head off.
Ripped off means you had something stolen. You were robbed.
you was close to something,you almost got it
Talking excessively, usually spilling secrets.
It means to fall asleep while sitting (or standing).
Old sailing slang meaning to be no longer in danger.
Nothing. The correct idiom is "get OFF your high horse," meaning stop acting so conceited as if you are above everyone else.
You are alot like you mother/father/brother/sister.
Worn out rocker nut?
No, the word 'rocker' is not an interjection. It is a noun typically used to describe a type of chair or a person who performs rock music. Interjections are words used to express emotions or sentiments, like "Wow!" or "Oops!"