well if you say that, those words are describing somones personality. an "outgoing" person can do some crazy things and is very talkative.id say outgoing is the work you're looking for (if you didn't notice my quotation marks) :)
you can call " reatard "
The word funny is an adjective. It describes someone who is amusing.
Different is a word that can describe a weird and funny girl.
It is an adjective. It describes a noun. For example, "She is a crazy girl". Crazy describes the girl.
No, "humorous" is an adjective that describes something that is funny or intended to make someone laugh.
Funny af
supercalifragialiaspigalidocious or amazing
gracioso :) But if you are calling someone funny then: You are funny (to a boy) - eres graciosO You are funny (to a girl) - eres graciosA
The word "inactive" best describes someone who is inert. It implies a lack of movement or activity.
The word funnier is an adjective. It describes something that is more funny.
Some presentations are funny. It begins with the letter f.
Any word will sound funny to someone who is not familiar with it or if it is pronounced in a way that the hearer is not used to. The word pianist is no exception.