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Cut it out

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Q: What is the easiest but fastest way to get gorilla glue out of hair?
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How do you remove gorilla glue from hair?

Cut off the piece of hair in which the gorilla glue is stuck to. Sorry... Don't worry too much, it'll grow back! Or, you can get a wig, or cut the rest of your hair to even out the look.

How do you remove gorilla glue from my dog?

Trim off the hair that contains it -

What hair gel is stronger moco de gorilla or crazy glue?

Nothing is stronger than moco de gorila, or at least nothing man made.

Can you grow gorilla hair?

Yes if you can if you are a Gorilla. NO if you are a human

What is more hairy A werewolf Or A Gorilla?

Gorilla cause they have hair all over their body

Can you describe a gorilla as a hirsute?

Yes a Gorilla is covered with stiff hair.

What is a is silverback?

A mature Gorilla having silver hair is called silverbback gorilla .

What is the gorilla predators?

A mature Gorilla having silver hair is called silverbback gorilla .

What is land animal with hair?


What land animals with hair?


Why are gorilla hairy?

Hair help in endothermy .

What is the easiest way to lighten your hair?

The easiest way to lighten your hair is to use bleach designed for hair.