The least painful way would be to shaver. A shaver is much better than waxing because waxing can be very painful. When you wax it will make you feel like your skin ripped apart.
The least painful way is to have a topical anasthetic applied before the hair is removed. Some salons have staff that is trained and licensed to perform this on people.
You don't. The least painful way is to stop reacting and start doing. Set a deadline (like before spring break or Easter) and get cracking. That way, you can do it well and not be distracted from all the senior parties and events trying to get the project done.
Depends on your tolerance for pain, where the break is, and what you mean by moving it. Trying to get a limb to bend between joints is a classic way of checking for fractures, so yeah a broken finger can be moved - but it'll be painful. If the question is about - say making a fist with a broken finger - well, you're unlikely to be able to curl it up real tight, b/c of pain. But you may well be able to wiggle it about a bit.
jump down the stairs and land on your wrist
Either wait till it's really lose to take it out or go to the dentist so they can take it out if you pull it out now it is painful TRUST ME
You should use Bazuka that veruca. It will disappear in 12 or 10 weeks.
use a nerf gun it may hurt but aye i used it it worked
Put some moisturiser on the back of your hand and then using the finger next to your little finger (ring finger) rub moisturiser into your face using circular motions with your ring finger because this is the finger that applies the least pressure and reduces wrinkles when you're older. :)
Don't do it. At least way 2-3 days or else your gums where your teeth were will be super painful.
I dont know how to tell you too break it in the most painful way but i can tell you for sure that wen you break you leg it is the most painful feeling EVER!! When i was 13 i broke my leg by jumping of the top of our balcony in our house.. I was doing something really dumb and ignorant!! But i twisted my leg fully back and it cracked my whole bone fully around.. THE PAIN WAS INTENSE..! I have two kids and I can honestly say that was more painful than my child birth..! So please dont doo it is very stupid and you will end up hurting your self really bad and it will damage you later on in life and also the pain you will receive from your accident with your leg is extremely painful..
The easiest way is to thrust a finger in and out of the vagina