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That's just gross that your asking that.

There are two things that are equally bad. Having dirty hands/nails and giving her an infection or having raggedy fingernails and injuring her. There's more to safe sex then just condoms.

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12y ago

yes, it can break her hymen

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Q: What is the worst thing to do when finguring a girl?
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Can a girl get pregnant just by finguring?

Only if the finger is coated with semen. Otherwise, no.

Can finguring in vagina make a girl pregnant?

No it dosen't, a girl can get pregnent only if sperms get inside her vagina and fuses with overy.

Can a girl waste theirovum by finguring?

No, but you should learn how to spell before engaging in sexual activity

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THE WORST: kill someone THE BEST: have sex

What im suppose the says to a girl?

Well the worst thing to tell a girl is that she is fat. She will kill you then.

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just ask the worst thing they can say is no

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easy as if

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I think it is i find i'm a boy when body is a girl!

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the worst thing they can do is die.