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Q: What verb means to see someone or something very quickly?
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Related questions

What is the verb for quickly?

The verb of quickly is quicken. As in "to quicken something".

What is identify as a verb?

"Identify" is a verb that means to establish or recognize the identity of someone or something.

What is the verb form of little?

The verb form of "little" is "to belittle," which means to make someone or something seem less important or impressive.

What is the verb of examination?

The verb form of "examination" is "examine." It means to inspect, investigate, or evaluate something in detail.

Is oblige an adjective?

No, "oblige" is a verb that means to make someone legally or morally bound to do something or to provide a service or favor for someone.

What is the verb for challenge?

Dare is a word that means to challenge someone to do something.

Is contempt a verb?

Contempt can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a feeling of disrespect or disdain towards something or someone. As a verb, it means to show scorn or disregard for something.

What is the verb for neighbor?

The verb for neighbor is "to neighbor," which means to live or be situated near someone or something.

Is fed a verb?

Yes, "fed" can be a verb. It is the past tense of the verb "feed," which means to give food to someone or something.

What is the verb form of long?

LONGING is the verb form for LONG. it means to want someone or something.

What part of speech is snatch?

The word "snatch" can be a noun or a verb. as a noun, it refers to an act of quickly grabbing or taking something. As a verb, it means to grasp or seize something suddenly.

What is verb of credibility?

The verb form of credibility is "to credit." It means to believe in or give value or trust to something or someone.