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Maniac being nice to Hester and Lester and being really awesome!😄

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The mirical on sycamore street was Mrs. Beal called when Maniac kept the rooms clean.

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Q: What was the miracle on sycamore street on Maniac Magee?
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What side is sycamore street on in Maniac Magee?

In the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli, Sycamore Street is on the East End side of the town of Two Mills. It serves as a dividing line between the East End and West End, which are characterized by racial and socio-economic differences.

What was written on the side of Amanda beals house in Maniac Magee novel?

728 sycamore street

What happens on Plum street in Maniac Magee?

Maniac raced mars bar

I ''Maniac Magee'' where was the race located?

Plum Street. Chapter 38

What street was cobbles corner in Maniac Magee?

on the corner of hector and birch.

What is the street that divides the East and West end in Maniac Magee?

In the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli, Hector Street is the dividing line between the East and West End in the fictional town of Two Mills.

What became Maniac Magee address?

728 Sycamore Street, East End, Two Mills, the Beale house because Earl Grayson died and Maniac left 101, his address for the Bandshell at Elmwood Park zoo, and he kept wandering and finally at the end of the book, he lived with the Beales.

Were do the beales live in Maniac Magee?

The Beales live in the east end of Two Mills in the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli. They reside on Hector Street and are neighbors to the Pickwells.

How long did Maniac Magee nap in the book Maniac Magee?

Maniac Magee napped for two hours in the book "Maniac Magee."

What miracle had happened while the boys were at the party in Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli?

During the party in "Maniac Magee," a miracle occurred when Mars Bar Thompson, who was known for his bullying and tough attitude, became friends with Jeffrey Magee and even saved him from a dangerous situation. This unexpected act of kindness and friendship was considered a miracle because it showed a positive change in Mars Bar's behavior and attitude towards others.

What is a good title for Maniac Magee?

"The Legendary Maniac Magee"

Who was the boys brother in maniac magee?

In the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli, Maniac Magee's brother was Jeffrey Magee, known as Maniac. He didn't have a brother. Instead, he lived with his parents and, after their deaths, he became an orphan.