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Q: Who would win stone cold or ultamite worrior?
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Cold receptors would be activated, maybe causing you to shiver.

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Is stone cold Steve Austin sharkboy?

no stone cold retired. Shark boy is stone cold's son

Who is better out of stone cold and Triple H?

well this answer is tricky hmm they both fake act in the ring stone cold is more famos in the ring however HHH is married to the bosses daughter in real life and has hold more championships than stone cold !!! so i have to say HHHAngelle1119 disagrees: No way Stone Cold Steve Austin is a legend! He could Whoop HHH's butt any day.

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yes, because all fish are cold-blooded. So stonefish would be cold-blooded.

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stone cold because if he can beat the rock

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Stone Cold Stunner...

Can hulk hogan beat stone cold?

stone cold is very good at fighting and so is hulk hogan so i think stone cold but i also think hulk hogan No Way Stone Cold is younger and faster than Hulk and Hulk body is messed up from all the year of wrestling and stuff Austins body is hurt too but not as bad as hulk so that why I think Stone cold would win

What is stone cold Steve Austin doing now?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: A true WWE&WWF Legend!He took that all away to start on his acting career!So right now Stone Cold is working on his acting career!XD Now who would do that?