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Q: Will dangerous things happen if you swallow cat hair?
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Where does hair go after you swallow it?

through the esophagus to the stomach and the rest of the intestional tract.

What happens if you swallow a rabbit hair?

Absolutely nothing will happen to you from swallowing a rabbit hair ,unless you have really bad alergies or your alergic .

Is it possible to swallow hair?

Yes, people who chew their hair often swallow it and sometimes get hairballs.

How common is it for babies to swallow hair, and what should parents do if their baby has swallowed hair?

It is not common for babies to swallow hair, but it can happen. If a baby swallows hair, parents should monitor for any signs of distress such as choking or difficulty breathing. If the baby shows any concerning symptoms, they should seek medical attention immediately.

Its dog hair dangerous to humans if swallow it?

no its just not harmful*. (* conidtions apply) bath in a week grooming n cleaning him/her clean after a walk

Is hamster fur or hair dangerous to swallow to humans or dangerous to humans?

Yes, i wouldn't recommend it because our hair is made out of protein. Which is also found in cells. Hampsters are rodents who fur are suppost to keep them warm. Interested in more health tips, please visit

When you take a hair of a cat and swallow it will you cough?

yes of course you will you swallow with your hair don't you? Yeah, I'd say you'd probably cough.

Can a human swallow a pubic hair?

Yes - a human can swallow pretty much any kind of hair, but you've probably noticed that when you get a hair in the back of your throat it tickles and irritates and you feel the need to cough to get it out.

Is rabbit fur or hair dangerous to swallow and or is it dangerous to humans?

Swallowing rabbit fur or hair is not dangerous for humans. It is not toxic and will usually pass through the digestive system without causing harm. However, ingesting large amounts of any foreign material could potentially lead to gastrointestinal issues or blockages.

What could happen if you used a hair-dryer in the bathroom?

it is dangerous because you might get an electrical shock

Is it safe to swallow hair?

I would not make it part of your diet. Occasionally we all swallow a strand of hair, but if you are continuously swallowing hair, there will obviously be a cause and effect of some type. We are not cats who can cough up hair balls! Another answer no it is not good because hair balls are going to start growing inside your body. and then you can not breath.

What two things happen when you layer the hair?

Layering the hair creates dimension and movement in the hair as different lengths are cut throughout. It also helps to reduce weight and add volume to the hair for a more textured appearance.