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no if their your true friend your not supposed to

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Q: Are you supposed to fight with your best friend?
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Are you supposed to have a guy and girl best friend?

One best friend is enough.

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How do have a fight with your best friend?

challenge him

How can you be again best friend with your best friend after a fight?

Tell him/her that you want to be friends again. Not that hard.

How do you forget your fight with your best friend?

Find a new friend who's fun. Or really think about what the fight was about, and come up with a solution.

What did the gladiators fight?

Only gladiators mostly their best friend

Am i jealous of my best friend?

how the hell are we supposed to answer that question if we dont even know who

My best friend got into a fight and didn't fight back am i wrong for not stopping the fight?

no because just because your best freind is a fight doesnt mean you have the ability to back them up but i would cuz it would be cool but people are different. no because if my friend got into a fight i wouldnt get in the fight even though thats my friend because thats her problem and you could get hit or her friend might jump in so no you werent wrong

What should your best friend do to make you want to be friends with them if you're in a fight?

you should just say very good about the person to your best best friend

Bethany is being forced to watch her best friend fight an uphill battle but the sullivans or Bethany is being forced to watch her best friend fight an uphill batter but the Sullivan's?

what sort of question is that???!!!

What does it mean when your best friend gets jealouse and starts hitten on your girlfriend's best friend?

probably means that they got into a big fight

What do you do if you and your best friend get into a fight?

First I'll fight with him , and then I'll give him a treat for fighting.....! And I'll tell him that he can fight again if he wants .