Abusers of all stripes are incapable of real love. They identify intimacy and love with violence and abuse.
I have zero tolerance for mental abusers. They take up air space! They are demeaning, miserable and plain bullies.
Abusers are unhappy people and there is simply no excuse in this world why they should infect others around them. All of us haven't batted 100% perfection in our lives and it's up to us as adults to decide what type of person we want to be. So, if you come from a home of alcohol abuse usually you would want to stay away from alcohol; if you come from an abusive family, why not try with all your might to become a better person and learn from this experience.
I don't buy "oh, that poor person was abused by his/her parents so they have known nothing else and that's why they are so mean." This is simply not true. We are around other family members, friends, in the workplace and we know what is right and wrong.
I had a bad temper when younger, so I went and got help for it. Now I know my limits and how to control my temper. My father was an alcoholic and Irish, and my mother Scottish (some combination. LOL) and I didn't use this as an excuse to use my anger on just anyone. I did something about it.
Mental abusers do feel love in a strange way and again an old saying, "You always hurt the ones you love" is so true with abusers. When they hurt someone they love they hate themselves for it and it's almost like a self punishment. Oddly enough, abusers loath themselves inwardly and privately and the more they abuse the more they hate themselves. It's a vicious cycle.
I wouldn't take a chance of receiving love from an abuser at all. I'd move on.
Abusers are afraid of love because they have never known love so they are incapable of giving something they never received.
I agree with Marcy, using an "excuse" of I was treated poorly or I was abused as a child amounts to nothing.
I am absolutely sure that we all make choices in life and those choices not only affect ourself, but others around us. We all have made poor choices and most people learn from them.
I grew up with an alcoholic parent and knew since I was a little girl that I was not going to allow alcohol to run my life. Two of four children chose the path of the alcohol...their chose. So, one cannot say it was my background. I have two brothers that grew up in the same house that chose the path of alcohol.
It is the same with abuse. Although it is quite common that abuse perpetuates abuse, it is the choice one makes to contine on in the cycle.
I myself never growing up in an abusive environment and not having abuse in my life, I didn't even know there was a thing as emotional abuse...until I started dating an emotional abuser. I was stuck in the cycle of abuse and didn't know how to get out, feeling if I left this man he wouldn't get better. I was trying to "save" him. But it wasn't until I was completely removed from him and got help from a counselor that I was able to see what kind of cycle I was in. I knew that things were not right in the relationship, but I felt I needed to help him because he didn't have the kind of love he needed growing up. But it was pointed out to me that I wasn't helping him only hurting myself and others around me. It is the same with people who have addictions or in cults. They have a sense something is wrong, but fear keeps them from action. And there is no fear in real love...and abuse uses fear regularly to obtain control. God Bless
Love Your Abuser was created on 2007-01-30.
Love Your Abuser Remixed was created on 2008-09-23.
No, you should never tell an abuser you love them and if you think you love them then you need psychological counseling because abusing a person is not about love. You don't hurt the ones you love! Get out of this relationship while you still can!
Narcissists love only themselves.
I dont think an abuser loves himself so he cant love. I just left the man after 6 yrs of trying
There is no evidence that he is a narcissist.
factors may include if the individual has a mental disability such as dementia or not having mental capacity. If the individual is secluded or isolated or are vulnerable. There could also be factors for the abuser which could include the abuser having lack of training, also abusing their power. sometimes personal issues have a part to play which could include the carer/abuser being stressed or having a history of abuse and continuing the cycle
Abusers and their victims form dyad's of codependency. It takes two to tango and an equal number to sustain a long term abusive relationship. The abuser and the abused form a bond, a dynamic, and a dependence. Expressions such as "follies a deux", "shared psychosis", and the "Stockholm Syndrome" capture facets two of a myriad of this danse macabre. It often ends fatally. It is always an excruciatingly painful affair. Being a great believer in common sense and having been in the same situation for many years, I think the answer here is very obvious. Would you allow your self to be abused by someone who didn't matter to you? YES, THE ABUSED CAN AND OFTEN DOES LOVE THE ABUSER. THEY KNOW THAT HE CAN BE A GOOD PERSON. See "Stockholm Syndrome". It's not genuine love - it's a psychological yearning based on fear and control. There is no sound reason to really love an abuser - you can have compassion for them - but not the kind of love that motivates you to stay in a relationship with someone who treats you like crap.
The love turns to hate because the reality of what the abuser did sets in. Speaking as a victim of abuse, I don't think I could ever love my abuser again even if he said he's "changed" because of the reality of what he did to me, and the claims that he "changed" so many previous times during the abuse.
A malignant narcissist cannot magically shed his damaging patterns of behavior to bestow unconditional love upon his child. A good parent is one who places his child's needs above his own. A narcissist always places their needs first.