It's extremly hard to convince a girl of that but the best way i know is to say I think that u r sooooo extremly beautiful without it on and no matter what I will always think that, u r stunning and even u got punched n had a black eye I wood still think ur the most stunning girl I've ever layer eyes on, if I were a girl I wood want to b u cuz ur just so amazing, hope I helped and good luck.
answ2. Hey there - she is an individual person entitled to her own opinions on personal expression - be it tattoos, piercings, hair style, and fashion.
And in order to mature, it is a good process to try many styles and fashions.
It's important to respect her feelings and choices. Instead of trying to convince her not to wear makeup, focus on appreciating her natural beauty and complement her on how she looks without it. Encourage her to embrace herself and help boost her confidence by pointing out her other attractive qualities that have nothing to do with makeup.
I am certain your mother has looked up websites on the internet and read about symptoms and now has connected them to herself. Please take her to a doctor to clear her mind.
say please
Just say can i please get a phone ill be responseble
How do you say Please feel better and sleep well beautiful!
your honour please see my bank drafts
You should list all the things you want to stay in the U.S. to convince them, sometimes it works sometimes not just try :)
a mans wallet.
don't be clingy simple
keep begging them and always saying please
please be mine or hello beautiful
It means beautiful.