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The only way to give your friends money on Howrse is to buy a horse from them via the private or auction sales.

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Q: Can you give your friends money on Howrse?
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Can you give money to another player on Howrse?

Yes. You need to be friends. Once you are friends, go onto your friend page and there is an option to give another player a gift. To get your answer quicker, you are better off asking in the game forum

How do you give equus on Howrse?

You cannot give money on howrse. The only way you could is if you bought a horse from another player.

Where is the link that says give a gift to on Howrse?

Once you have been registered for 10 days or more on Howrse, you can give gifts to friends by clicking the link below their friends list. It shows an gift box icon.

How do you send things on Howrse?

you have to friend them first and then on your friends page you can give an item.

Can you give money to other players on Howrse?

No. I don't think so....

On Howrse can a player give you money?

Not real money, or equus. They can give you objects which you can sell for money at the must both have been registered Have fun! my name on howrse is riorocks2621 if you need a hand add me as a friend then send a message!

How do you Give the last click on a friend's horse on howrse?

You have to just keep helping your friends, But just letting you know this Promotion is over on Howrse.

How do you give passes to friends on Howrse?

Howrse is a free game, so you don't need someone to give you one. However if you know someone already on howrse, then they get bonuses if you say that they are your sponsor. Hope this helps LeaBuff

Can you give money to people on Howrse?

Not directly (ie, as a gift). the only way to give someone money is to buy a horse/accpet a covering from them.

Does the cat companion give skills or money on Howrse?

It gives skills, and: Swallow: Skills Zebra, Rabbit, Monkey, Hen, and Goat give money.

The code for the Sleipnir on Howrse?

There are no codes for the sleipnir on howrse. People had to buy cards with real money in order to get the codes and they would not give them out to random people.

Why can't you send money to people on Howrse?

no you cant. the way people give money is you buy the persons horses if there for sale