Atchafalya river in Louisiana
In Choctaw the word for "my father" is aki. Like many native American language there is no word meaning just "father".
Atchafalya river in Louisiana
The word formed from the Creek root meaning "earth" is "geo," as in "geology" or "geography."
No, creek, meaning a small stream, is not a verb, but creak, an onomatopoeic word meaning a sound, can be used as a verb.
The Choctaw have many different words. The Choctaw word for rabbit is chukfi and this word now, also means sheep.
The Choctaw word for one is achoffa.
Choctaw word for red is 'Humma'.
The Choctaw word for small stream is "bayuk." The word "bayou" is derived from this Choctaw term.
Choctaw and Hebrew are two completely unrelated languages.The Hebrew word for grandmother is savta (סבתא)The Choctaw word for grandmother is pokni
The Choctaw word for heaven or heavenly is oba. The written Choctaw language is based upon English version of the Roman alphabet.