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Q: Did rush limbergh say anything about salvery?
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What racist remark did rush limbergh say?

As far as I can see there was no racist remarks made.

Do you say in the rush hour or on the rush hour?

during the rush hour

How do you say Big Time Rush in spanish?

De Big Time Rush

How do you use rush in a sentence?

you can use 'rush' instead of 'hurry' in sentences.for eg-instead of "what is the hurry?" u can say "what is the rush for?"

What does Wise men say only fools rush in stand for?

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

How do i say hustle in spanish?

darse prisa = hustle, rush (oneself) sacudir = hustle, to rush someone else

In the state of mass is 14 to young to date a 17 year old?

Most people say yes, some say no. It's all about you though. It's your choice, & if you want to be with that someone, & feelings are mutual, then go for it. Just don't rush into anything.

What do you do when you like a girl and she likes you What's the next step?

Ask her out man! Be gentle and don't rush, do it casually and as if you would normally say it. And don't ask her to a private place, (But that's what I would do, go for anything)

How do you say 'rush' in Japanese?

It'd be very helpful to say in what sense/meaning you want it. 焦る /a se ru/ : to be in a hurry, to rush, to be impatient 急ぐ /i so gu/ : to hurry up, to rush ラッシュ /ra-sshu/ : rush, rush hour 突進 /to-sshin/ : charge, rush, dash, sudden fast movement 突進する /to-sshin su ru/ : to dash, to charge forward, to rush イグサ /i gu sa/ : rush, a kind of plant growing near water

Can you say a rush or adrenaline due to the good news?


Does loagan from Big Time Rush say bad words?


Does Big Time Rush drink beer?

I do not now but I will say no