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Do they? definitely. Will they fall in love with their wife again? his the only one that knows. Will he fall in love again because he met another woman that has the qualities his been looking for? absolutely. Most married man can easily fall in love with another woman because she have somethings that his wife never gave to him. And when it comes to intimacy he only know the style him and his wife do but with the other woman its a bit different. The excitement is different than what he have with his wife. So it is easy for a married to fall in love again...

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14y ago
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14y ago

Why some married men fall in love with another woman:

  • Some men get bored the longer the marriage goes along and will for solace in another woman.
  • Some men will feel ignored if his wife is busy looking after children; possibly working as well and he may feel she has little time for him because she is tired and their sex life may disintegrate.
  • Some men when they reach their 40's on may feel that they are losing their youth and want to regain it and will often go after younger women to make themselves feel they are still attractive.
  • Some men fall in love with love.
  • Some married men are not in love with the other woman and it is all about a sexual relationship with no ties.
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17y ago

Very rarely. Most times married men are using the "other" woman.

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13y ago

yeah in the case his wife is touchering or she is not good in her relations as per new era

but if u r really bound up with sincere love ppl never

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13y ago

Because when the couple was dating and they loved you they were pretending on to the question because men are rotten dirty stinky evil

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Q: Do married man fall in love again?
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