Do they? definitely. Will they fall in love with their wife again? his the only one that knows. Will he fall in love again because he met another woman that has the qualities his been looking for? absolutely. Most married man can easily fall in love with another woman because she have somethings that his wife never gave to him. And when it comes to intimacy he only know the style him and his wife do but with the other woman its a bit different. The excitement is different than what he have with his wife. So it is easy for a married to fall in love again...
Why some married men fall in love with another woman:
Sometimes you just cant help who you fall in love with the heart wants iam in love with a married man for 22 years now.
need to give it time. don't fall in love with just any one
Trying to forget someone you have loved is one thing, let alone fallling in love with a married man. You must decide for yourself, what is good for you.
Pocahontas was at first in love with John Smith, but she later married John Rolfe.
You already know that married men are off limits even if the man pursues you. There is seldom a future with a married man. The best way to resist your feelings of love for this married man is to break it off with him and keep away from him. Eventually, you will meet someone else you will fall in love with.
just be a bigger man and tell them about how you r feelin about it and make make a choice ....
He doesn't want to get married yet I guess
sometimes ANSWER: yes they do. In scale of 1-10, 8% of married men do fall in love with the other woman. and include the man I married, big time..
Any two people can fall in love and get married, unless one of them is already married.
ANSWER:Could it be that he loves this woman even she isn't his wife? There are some married man who do fall in love with another woman, and the man I married was one of them.
yes because he already got his wife and he loves her and kiss her.