David Krumholtz was born on May 15, 1978.
David Krumholtz was 24 years old in "The Santa Clause 2". David Krumholtz was born in 1978. The Santa Clause 2 was released in 2002.
US actor David Krumholtz is 39 years old (birthdate: May 15, 1978).
David Krumholtz
David Krumholtz wasn't in Santa Clause 3 because he was filming the movie, Numbers.
Yes, David Krumholtz guest-starred in an episode of ER titled "Mars Attacks" in 2004. He portrayed the character Paul Rinehart in the show.
Kevin Pollak's Chat Show - 2009 David Krumholtz 3-31 was released on: USA: 15 January 2012
as far as i know he has not been on any such commercial or advertisement!
David Krumholtz plays the main character Charlie Eppes.
David Krumholtz from Santa clause movies maybe
David Krumholtz. As of this writing, he is the star of Numbers on CBS.