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Apparenlty she does otherwise they would not be married and having their second child.

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Q: Does stephaine really love Triple H?
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Triple H is in the prison now?

no we posted bale lots of love stephaine McMahon

What is the boy name from hhh and his wife stephaine McMahon?

Triple H doesn't have a son only 2 daughters

Who is the main owner of the WWE?

Vincent Kennedy McMahon AKA Triple H's father in law, Shane and Stephaine's father.

Is stephaine McMahon married?

Yes she is married in real life to Triple H since October of 2003 and they have two daughters.

Do Stephanie cheats on Triple H?

no, they are really love each other

Do Kelly Kelly and Triple H love each other?

No. Triple H is Married to Stephanie Mcmahon

Does Triple H really hate big show?

No we hate triple h stephanie from turning heel

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Triple H currently resides in Greenwich, Connecticut with Stephanie McMahon-Levesque. Triple H really lives in North Carolina.

Will Triple H go to tna impact?

no he will not i love u

When will Triple H return to WWE after his fight with sheamus?

triple h will return to wwe he just got injured really bad

Did Triple H really get arrested for breaking in Randy Orton's house?

No, Triple H was not arrested. It was a house WWE rented for the scene.