Teala Dunn was born on December 8, 1996, in New Jersey, USA.
Teala Dunn is 21 years old (born December 8, 1996).
Teala Dun personal phone number is not available to the public.
teala dunn
Her name is Teala Dunn and she plays Tuck on Wonder Pets and Juanita in the naked brothers band!
The hamster on Wonder Pets is played by Teala Dunn. She provides the voice for the character named "Tuck."
Billy Unger has a varied dating history. He has publicly dated black, white, and Spanish girls. He was in a relationship with a black female, Teala Dunn, in 2014.
Teala Loring's birth name is Marcia Eloise Griffin.
Teala Loring was born on October 6, 1922, in Denver, Colorado, USA.
Teala Loring died on January 28, 2007, in Spring, Texas, USA of auto accident.