You can not convince your girlfriend that it hurts you when she cuts herself to save a life. If she is cutting herself to save a life something is horribly wrong. In this day and time, no life can be saved by cutting yourself. Your girlfriend needs more help than you can give her.
nothing you fool...suffer the consequences of your action...
She feels as if she has control over you then and she means so much to you that you cry.
Answer Maybe you really hurt her and if that's the case her giving you sex anytime in the near future is out of the question. Why suffer, ask her what her intentions are.
romeo died from drinking poison and Juliet died from stabbing herself in chest
She fainted due to Swine Flu during a concert once and she tried to stab herself to death twice when she was a teenager.
Understanding the universal Law of Attraction and that it is always "turned on", so to speak, is the reason why anything happens, anywhere, anytime. As we think, we become by the observant power of focus that we were to be. We are creators.
Mary Tyler Moore does an extensive amount of charity work for various causes including Parkinson's Disease, but she herself does not suffer from the disease.
That Jocasta hangs herself and that Oedipus blinds himself, loses his job and is placed under house arrest are what happens to Jocasta and Oedipus in the last part of "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban monarchs Oedipus and Jocasta realize that much more than husband and wife they are son and mother. They also realize that Jocasta's first husband is killed albeit unknowingly by Jocasta's second husband, Oedipus. That knowledge causes Jocasta to hang herself and Oedipus to blind himself, lose his royal powers and residence, and suffer house arrest until divine will indicates whether he is to be executed or exiled for his criminal act and immoral behavior.
If you never loved her then why did you have three kids? Thier the ones that are going to suffer here, be a man & do the right thing.
if you mean people who suffer from epileptic seizures, yes they can drive a car if they so chose, however, their physician normally will advise against this, even if they are on medication, the reason for this is that their insurance may not cover them should they cause an accident., so the majority of people who suffer from this disease will not drive either, they realize what the consequences could be.
One of the most important would be ethnic diversity: while Mexico is considered multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural, economic disparity among its population is not caused by such differences. Therefore, Mexico does not suffer the risk of ethnic strife anytime soon.
You Suffer was created in 1987.