

Best Answer
  • The easiest way to see if your ex boyfriend is still interested in him (forget making him jealous) is to start dating other guys. If your ex comes back to you then make him work hard to get back into a relationship with you again. If he does not react to you dating other buys then you should move on in your life.
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Q: How can you make your ex jealous without flaunting another guy?
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That depends on the guy. Some are jealous, some are not.

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What should you do if your ex-boyfriend tries to make you jealous with another girl?

Use reverse psychology. Get another boyfriend to make your ex jealous. And if you can't get another guy, ignore it. Act COMPLETELY oblivious to his new relationship.

If a guy likes you then why would he get with another girl to make you jealous?

You answered it yourself. He got with the other girl to make you jealous. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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Guys may make fun of other guy's legs because they are jealous.

How do you make a boyfriend jealous?

To date another guy to make the one your dating mad

What do you do if you ex is dating another person and you are jealous?

If you still like that person then make her or him jealous by going out with there friend or something that will make them jealous. But if your just jealous and you dont like that person than just forget about it. this as been answered by Austin Bissonnette

Would a guy want or crave a girl more if they make him jealous by talking about another guy?

find out if he likes you first if he says yes then make him a little jealous by talking bout another guy if he says no then it couldn't hurt to try a bit of flirting and make him a bit jealous. hope it helped

Does your guy friend like you if he kisses another girl and then asks you did you have a problem with it?

He either is trying to make you jealous or he doesn't want you to be jealous

How can you tell the difference when a girl is just trying to make you jealous or dislikes you?

A girl who is trying to make you jealous will only flirt with another guy in front of you. Anything more than just flirting means she's not doing it just to make you jealous.

Would he date another girl just to make you jealous?

Most likely

How do you move on and show your ex that he made the mistake and your better off without him?

make him jealous of you