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Try to move on with life and find a better guy to date.

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Q: How can you stop being desperate for a man?
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When was The Desperate Man created?

The Desperate Man was created in 1959.

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A Desperate Man was created on 2012-01-10.

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STop shagging around!

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Joke: Why did the man stop being a banker...Punchline: Because he was afraid of reliving the Great Depression.

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stop being desperate

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we are all being rushed

Is gustave courbet the desperate man a self portrait?

Yes. The Desperate Man is a self-portrait of Gustave Courbet. It was painted during his youth in 1844.

Why did Buddha stop being wealthy to become a holy man?

because they are

How do you stop a man from accuseing you of being with other men?

If it is not true then dump him.

What happens when you have no firends?

You stop being the weird, awkward, nerdy person you probly are, and you go out and make friends