Friends and family are frequent targets of aggression because they convenient, easy targets.
The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it, emphasizing the idea that true value lies in the relationships and connections we have with others.
Well,as long as its not your friend's crush your becoming friends with or she'll be jealous.
B they're convenient
All of the major airlines allow you to give your frequent flyer miles to friends and family or transfer the miles to another account holder with the same airline
try becoming friends or best friends then there should be an option to ask that sim to move in
By first becoming friends and learning a lot about them.
In scene 3 of act 1 in Macbeth, the external conflict arises between Banquo and Macbeth when they encounter the three witches. The witches make prophecies that spark jealousy and ambition in Macbeth, leading to a power struggle between the two friends as Macbeth becomes consumed by thoughts of becoming king.
The internal and external conflict are Friends losing others and living through life with out problems
they were best friends
Try talking to her and becoming friends first.