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Call upon the Daemon God Cthulhu to cleanse your relationship!

For the sacrifice of three human children he will make it clear to your ex that it is over and that you should both move on to other people!


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Q: How do you avoid your ex boyfriend from messaging and calling you?
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What do you do when your boyfriend keep calling his ex?

I would encourage my daughter to find another boyfriend if he is being a jerk in any form. Calling "ex's" is being a jerk.

How do you get over a ex-boyfriend?

only time will allow you to get over an ex-boyfriend. also avoid him.

Is your boyfriend's ex a threat if she keeps calling?

Yes, and you demand that they stop!

What to say when your ex boyfriend is on the phone?

U need to tell him to stop calling period

How do you get rid of your wives ex boyfriend?

If he come to the house you are living in and is abusive then you can ask him to leave. If he refuses to leave then call Local Police and explain why you are calling. The Police should then come to the house and talk with both you and the ex-boyfriend. Police will then decide if ex-boyfriend should be arrested or not.

Why does my boyfriend get very angry and physically abusive if i ask him to stop his ex from calling him?

He may still have feelings for her and doesn't like it when you ask him to stop calling her.

How do you get your ex boyfriend to stop calling?

- Change your phone number and make your new number a silent number.

What to do if your ex boyfriend keeps calling you after you broke up with him?

post a note that yu no longer live at this address

Can your ex boyfriend get a restraining order to keep you from calling your son?

Yes, but you can take him to court and fight for custody.

Which is correct he is your ex boyfriend or he was your ex boyfriend?

"He is your ex boyfriend" is correct.If you were to say "he was your ex boyfriend" it would suggest that he is no longer your ex.

When you see an ex girlfriend with her new boyfriend how should you act?

depend on how your relationship ended if it ended well act friendly and inviting if not then avoid contact if you wish to speak to your ex try calling her later if you wish to talk to her/his new partner say hi and try to become friends or ask you ex to introduce you!

Who do you run to when your ex boyfriend is calling you names?

A divorce lawyer, a counselor, a priest, your mommy. Pick whatever suits you.